Enlarge Your Breasts Without Implants: a Great Way To Look More Confident From Within
Are you considering augmentation or reconstruction of your breasts? There's a new alternative to implants that involves enhancing breast tissue with your own fat cells. It's called fat grafting, and while it's a lengthy process involving numerous injection operations, there's no implant breast augmentation los angeles . Step 1: Expansion of The Tissue: First, a lady may use a tissue-expansion device to prepare for successful fat grafting in the breasts, depending on her anatomy and whether her doctor advises it. A huge suctioning device that fits over the breasts like a bra, is available. It's battery-operated, and it gently pulls on the breasts, extending the tissue and prepping it for future surgeries. Step 2: Fat Grafting: A plastic surgeon harvests a patient's fat via liposuction or contouring after the tissue has been prepped to make a fat transplant more viable. The fat is then stripped of its oil and blood. The surgeon next injects little amounts of the s...